Our Story

SaFeline pet was founded in 2023 by college friends Matthew Brunelli and Seth Kellar to help cat lovers coexist with their pets despite allergens—all at an affordable price. Partnering with small Virginian farms, each housing 30+ cats, we are committed to giving more cats homes.

Meet OJ - The Cat That Started It All

OJ (short for Orange Julius) was Seth’s big, affectionate orange tabby who stuck by his side no matter what. Unlike other family cats, who seemed to have favorites, OJ chose Seth—and their bond was special.

Unfortunatly, in 2022, OJ slipped out the backdoor as usual but didn’t return. Despite searches and flyers, he was lost. His memory has since inspired SaFeline pet, reinforcing our mission of helping people with allergies enjoy life with their beloved cats.

Meet Jackie – The Heart Behind Our Misson

Jackie, nicknamed “Mittens” because of her three white paws, immediately caught Matthew’s attention. Growing up with cat allergies made it difficult for him to get too close to cats, but that never stopped him from wanting to. Jackie’s presence was a constant reminder of the challenges that come with loving a pet from a distance.

When starting SaFeline pet, Matthew and Seth wanted to create more than just a product—they wanted to make it easier for people like them to live comfortably with cats. Jackie represents that goal, showing that with the right solution, more people can welcome cats into their homes without hesitation.